Garden & Landscape
Western Red Cedar is carbon neutral and considered to be one of the most sustainable resources in the world. It is naturally resistant to insects and decay, and will last longer than other softwoods when sitting on the ground or in dirt. There is no chemical leaching into the soil or water, so that puts cedar at the top of the list when it comes to building raised garden beds.
We carry Cottage Grade wide dimension lumber that is perfect for making garden beds and other items. 2X10 and 2X12 are the most common, but we have other material as well that is economically suitable. Raised garden beds are a perfect way to have a smaller more manageable means to garden.
Many of our stocked products are used in the landscape process as well. Think of Cedar Solutions when you need posts, boards, planks or privacy panels for your landscape design. A garden gazebo perhaps, or a pergola or play house. Memories are built with our products.
Available Sizes
4X4 S4S – 3 9/16” x 3 9/16”
6X6 S4S – 5 ½” x 5 ½”
4X6 RGH – band sawn 4” x 6”
8X8 RGH – band sawn 8” x 8”
10X10 RGH – band sawn 10” x 10”
1 9/16” thick dimension 2X4 to 2X12
Privacy Panels - 4’x8’, 5’x8’ and 6’x8’
Other products & sizes available
Available in most grades
1 9/16” thick dimension
100% FOHC 4X4 and 6X6
4X4 S4S Coastal 8’ to 12’
6X6 S4S Coastal – 8’ to 12’
8X8 RGH Coastal – 8’ to 20’
10X10 RGH Coastal – 8’ to 20’
Solid #1 Privacy Fence Panels

Our products are produced using 100% Second Growth Cedar from the Interior of British Columbia.
All raw log and lumber we purchase comes from sustainable and legally harvested lands. We also stock lumber that is manufactured by Certified BC Coastal Producers and all raw material they purchase comes 100% from sustainable and legally harvested lands.